Where it all started…

Learn more about Unite to Save Chinatown, its mission, values, and how it came to be.


Unite all stakeholders to find solutions for the multiple complex issues affecting Chinatown.

Bridge the gap between those that might care to those who do through providing educational materials.

Amplify and support the work that other groups are doing so that it leads to effective changes.


It’s not just about what we do but how we do it and the beliefs that drive our action.

  • Communities require investment in order for to survive. Chinatowns across the world have become a shadow of its past history. The reasons are more complex than simply labeling it as racism, gentrification, or oppression. Learn about this so that we know what we're trying to preserve.

  • Coming together is crucial to getting any work done. This is not about one side having higher priority over the others. We need to listen to each other and realize that we're all well intentioned but have differing opinions on the solution. Common goals are worth more than individual glory.

  • The types of issues that New York City faces are not too complex to be solved with smart people in the room willing to work together. We cannot dismiss as "it won't work" until we have thoroughly evaluated what causes it not to work. We need to allow room to revisit abandoned plans and ask for help where we were stuck before. Breaking down problems into a smaller problem is key to finding solutions.

  • If the requirement for change is to get everything perfectly, we may not get anything done. Progress is important. We stand on the shoulders of all who have come before but we should also build the biggest platform for those that come after to stand.

About Unite to Save Chinatown

Unite to Save Chinatown was born out of love. Chinatown is a resilient community, having survived the impact of 9/11 on local businesses and now fighting for survival as it endures the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. At a time of need, Chinatown is facing additional existential threats coming from the city that will further exacerbate its potential downfall. We need you to stand with us. We will no longer be silent. We want to be heard. We want to be part of the conversation for shaping the future of the city.

Here you will find past events, community updates, educational materials, and future events that are moving us forward together towards the change we need.


I’m a native New Yorker that grew up in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn to immigrant parents who loved me dearly. We didn’t have much but we got by because of the social services provided by the city. My grandmother lived in Chung Pak, the building next to the jail and I spent many weekends in Chinatown up until I left for college.

The pandemic was hard on my grandmother and I couldn’t see her in person but I watched from afar as she deteriorated until her passing Jan 2022. Her funeral was what led me to discover the building of the new mega jail. That was the day my life changed.

Since then, I’ve been connecting down on the ground, trying to make sure we’re united as an AAPI community, and trying to figure out solutions to some of the city’s hardest problems. Why? Because I love this city and I believe it’s the right thing to do.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without all those that fought for me. This is me fighting back for them.

About Regina


